Workout Buddies!!

The feeling after a workout is one of the most rewarding feelings that you can have. It honestly feels like you are on top of the world and can conquer anything. The workouts where I push myself further than I thought I could, are some of my favorites. The feeling that comes after lifting more weight or running for longer, is exhilarating. While I enjoy that feeling, I struggle to always motivate myself. Many people think that the hardest part of a workout is either how time seems to drag while you are on the treadmill or how heavy weights seem on your last set. What they don’t realize is the actual hardest part is stepping foot in the gym. Forcing yourself to go to the gym when you don’t want to, feels impossible. Are you someone that, like me, feels like it is extremely difficult to constantly get yourself to the gym? Or maybe someone who struggles to really push themselves during their workout? How about you, have you been struggling to get yourself off the couch and start that workout program you have been talking about for weeks?
Don’t worry, I have been there! But how do you get over those impossible sounding roadblocks? You drag a friend to suffer along with you! Ok, so suffering sounds dramatic, but hear me out. Working out with someone else is extremely effective and helps you accomplish your goals. It is a lot harder to cancel your workout when you have someone else depending on you to be there. When your buddy is working out next to you, it is hard to give excuses on why you shouldn’t finish your workout. A workout buddy can help give you the confidence to try out a new exercise class because they will go with you.
Don’t believe me yet?
That is ok, this is actually proven! One study actually found that 95 percent of people who started a weight-loss program with a buddy, fully completed that program. Only 76 percent of the participants working out alone completed their weight loss program. Not only that but the first group (working with others), was 42 percent more likely to maintain their weight loss.
Do you have a workout buddy? Do they help motivate you? Tell us your story!
Here at the Raynham Athletic Club, we know the importance of having a workout buddy. That is why we are offering our new workout buddy promotion! The more people you sign up with, the more you save. Each member pays a $50 joining fee. Then if you and two workout buddies sign up together, you only pay $27 each per month. If four buddies sign up, it is only $24 each per month. Let’s say four people aren’t enough, you want a group of 5! That is 5 times the motivation and only $20 each per month.