Healthy Archives - Raynham Athletic Club

August 14, 2023


Exercise is not just about shedding pounds or building muscles – it’s a powerful tool that contributes to overall well-being. Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or just starting out on your journey, the benefits of regular physical activity are truly remarkable.

Physical Health Benefits

Engaging in regular exercise offers a plethora of physical health benefits:

  • Improved cardiovascular health, reducing the risk of heart diseases and stroke.
  • Enhanced muscle strength and endurance, promoting better posture and reduced risk of injury.
  • Weight management and a boosted metabolism.

“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.” – John F. Kennedy

Mental Well-being

Exercise has a profound impact on mental health and well-being:

  • Release of endorphins, which act as natural mood lifters, reducing stress and anxiety.
  • Improved cognitive function, memory, and focus.
  • Enhanced sleep quality, leading to better rest and rejuvenation.

“Exercise is the key not only to physical health but to peace of mind.” – Nelson Mandela

Social Benefits

Beyond the individual advantages, exercise can have positive effects on your social life:

  • Opportunities to connect with others through group activities or fitness classes.
  • Improved self-confidence and body image, leading to more fulfilling social interactions.
  • Shared goals and achievements with friends or workout partners.

Getting Started

If you’re new to exercising, it’s important to start slowly and choose activities you enjoy. Remember, consistency is key to reaping the benefits of exercise. Consult a healthcare professional before beginning any new fitness regimen, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions.

Incorporating regular physical activity into your routine can truly transform your life. Whether you’re aiming for a healthier body, a sharper mind, or a more vibrant social life, exercise paves the way for a brighter and more fulfilling future.

“The only bad workout is the one that didn’t happen.” – Unknown

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Consult with a qualified healthcare professional before making any changes to your exercise routine or lifestyle.



October 18, 2021

Is a Personal Trainer *ACTUALLY* Worth It?!

So let’s be honest first; I used to think that a personal trainer was a huge gimmick that they tried to hustle you into when you first joined a gym. I had this wild belief that unless this trainer could make me look like a supermodel or an athlete, then there is absolutely no way that it would be worth it. Well as I have gotten a little older and wiser, let me tell you that my opinion has most definitely transformed. Hear me out because I was once just as skeptical as you!

MOTIVATION – Most people will agree that as we get older and life gets busier, the motivation to workout becomes a little less.  Motivating yourself to get to the gym is almost the hardest part; being productive once you get there might have it beat. If you are anything like me, you might need the reminder that staring at workouts on your phone for 45 minutes does not actually count as working out. A trainer motivates you to get to the gym and literally tells you what to do once you get there. They want to make sure that you are productive during your time at the gym. Creating goals and reaching milestones with your trainer will ignite that little spark for exercising that you may not have even known was there.

ACCOUNTABILITY& CONSISTENCY- The exercise spark has come back a little, but we all know how easily that spark blows out after a couple weeks. A trainer is there to hold you accountable and to remind you that you wanted this. They will not let you forget because it’s literally their job. You now have someone to answer to if you didn’t work out at all since your last meeting and it will be obvious. Feeling their disappointment and the pain of your now difficult work out should serve as a lesson to put in the work. The expectations of your trainer outside of your training session hold you accountable and create consistency.  Their mission is to keep the spark alive, create strong habits, and build strength so that you may create a healthy routine and accomplish your goals.

CONFIDENCE- So you joined a new gym, but how much of the equipment do you actually know how to use? How much of it will you probably not take advantage of because of your comfort level? I have definitely been in this boat before. It is intimidating to sometimes try something new, but what if you could ask for help? A trainer will not only serve as a guide to navigate your new gym, but they will work with you to build a routine. In a short time, you will feel more comfortable with the equipment and a routine to ensure that you are getting the most out of your new gym!

KNOWLEDGE& SAFETY– A personal trainer is basically a teacher. They are there to teach you how to work out, but in a way that is best for you. As they get to know you, they learn your strengths and weaknesses and tailor each workout specifically for you. Working with you to meet your personal fitness goals in the most efficient and safest way possible is their priority. With their knowledge, they will guide you through your new routine with correct form and precautions when necessary. The mission of your trainer becomes keeping both you and your body heathy for years to come!

Trust me, Try a trainer and you will not be sorry that you did!

August 13, 2020

If you attend spin you will often find this active couple sweating and pumping to the music…                      

Meet Cornelius and Kym Mahoney


Neil was a college athlete and avid competitive biker. When he met Kym she was 22 and he was 28.  He bought her a pink (her favorite color) Terry Bianchi so that they could ride together. Kym had not been on a bike since she was nine years old, but enjoyed riding with Neil. They were “wildly active”, biking, rollerblading, and spending quality time together. They married in 1992 and over time, life and careers slowed them down.


On Kim’s 50th birthday (Oct. 2015), Cornelius and Kym looked at a celebratory picture they had taken and decided that they needed to learn more about the proper way to eat and exercise. At the time both had been vegetarians for over 30 years, exercised twice daily but had put on weight, were on blood pressure medication, and were not happy with their health. 


Immediately, Neil and Kym started on the nutrition program Twenty Lighter. It guaranteed a weight loss of 20 lbs. in 40 days. The program reintroduced protein into their diet, limited their daily food intake, and increased their water consumption. Neil and Kym looked forward to meeting at the gym nightly and motivating each other. The incredible trainers at the RAC propelled them in their health fitness journey. Colleen introduced them to TRX, a suspension training program they continue to use at home. Spin instructor, Stacey C, made spin classes invigorating, rewarding, and memorable. On Neil’s 60th birthday he arrived at the RAC surprised to find his spin bike decorated with balloons. The RAC family became an important part in their unbelievable weight loss journey.  With hard work and determination, by April (6 months later) Neil had lost 70 lbs. and Kym had lost 45 lbs.! 


Fitness continues to be a regular part of this inspirational couple’s lives. Today, Neil age 61 and Kym age 54, rise at 4 am and meditate with yoga, often using Ann Marie’s videos. Kym then heads to the RAC to run 2 miles before traveling to work. In the evenings the couple meets at the RAC to attend their favorite classes. Neil and Kym credit the rented spin bike and spin classes run by Stacey, Lisa, and Kellie for “saving their sanity” during quarantine. They adhere to a strict diet during the week, but allow themselves to be relaxed on the weekend, because after all, life is a balance.


The RAC is a community, a place to meet great people and friends. These relationships keep us coming back -Neil Mahoney.


Neil and Kym are the epitome of workout buddies. Thank you for being a positive example to the RAC Community!

July 15, 2020

The feeling after a workout is one of the most rewarding feelings that you can have. It honestly feels like you are on top of the world and can conquer anything. The workouts where I push myself further than I thought I could, are some of my favorites. The feeling that comes after lifting more weight or running for longer, is exhilarating. While I enjoy that feeling, I struggle to always motivate myself. Many people think that the hardest part of a workout is either how time seems to drag while you are on the treadmill or how heavy weights seem on your last set. What they don’t realize is the actual hardest part is stepping foot in the gym. Forcing yourself to go to the gym when you don’t want to, feels impossible. Are you someone that, like me, feels like it is extremely difficult to constantly get yourself to the gym? Or maybe someone who struggles to really push themselves during their workout? How about you, have you been struggling to get yourself off the couch and start that workout program you have been talking about for weeks?

Don’t worry, I have been there! But how do you get over those impossible sounding roadblocks? You drag a friend to suffer along with you! Ok, so suffering sounds dramatic, but hear me out. Working out with someone else is extremely effective and helps you accomplish your goals. It is a lot harder to cancel your workout when you have someone else depending on you to be there. When your buddy is working out next to you, it is hard to give excuses on why you shouldn’t finish your workout. A workout buddy can help give you the confidence to try out a new exercise class because they will go with you. 

Don’t believe me yet?

That is ok, this is actually proven!  One study actually found that 95 percent of people who started a weight-loss program with a buddy, fully completed that program. Only 76 percent of the participants working out alone completed their weight loss program. Not only that but the first group (working with others), was 42 percent more likely to maintain their weight loss. 

Do you have a workout buddy? Do they help motivate you? Tell us your story!

Here at the Raynham Athletic Club, we know the importance of having a workout buddy. That is why we are offering our new workout buddy promotion! The more people you sign up with, the more you save. Each member pays a $50 joining fee. Then if you and two workout buddies sign up together, you only pay $27 each per month. If four buddies sign up, it is only $24 each per month. Let’s say four people aren’t enough, you want a group of 5! That is 5 times the motivation and only $20 each per month.