The RAC and TPP Partnership
In October the Raynham Athletic Club (RAC) and the Bridgewater Raynham Regional High School Transition Partnership Program (TPP) formed a partnership. This collaboration has proven beneficial to both parties.
The RAC gained staff that work incredibly hard with a positive attitude. The students help maintain the facilities cleanliness by disinfecting machines, floors, weights, etc. They also fill the hand sanitizing bottles, fill the spray bottles, and make sure the rooms are properly supplied with paper towels. Next spring and summer when you see the beautiful flowers blooming near our entrance, you will have to thank the students. They spent time planting, trimming, and weeding the area. Students have also worked in the childcare, interacting with the children, cleaning the toys, and making craft projects. Other jobs the students have completed are bulletin boards, trash pickup, shredding, and signs. The students arrive with smiles, determined to learn skills that will help benefit them when they are searching for jobs in the future. Before they leave, they check in and communicate with the RAC staff letting them know what they have completed and advocate for themselves. Their hard work does not go unnoticed and we at the RAC are very appreciative of them!
The TPP students were interviewed by Shanzai, a RAC staff member, about what they have gained while working at the RAC. Please see their responses below.

Tori (Age 19)
-What would you change about working here?
Tori would not change anything about working here! She enjoys working here just as it is. The RAC makes her feel amazing because she is learning new life skills and she has a fun job. She loves getting to know her wonderful coworkers and managers and she loves getting the work experience.
-What are some goals you hope to accomplish here at the RAC?
Tori hopes to get to know more people at the RAC, and work on her ability to communicate with people. She would love to learn more life skills and learn how to improve her cleaning and organizing skills.
Vicki (Age 18)
-What skills have you improved while working here?
Vicki has improved her organization and cleaning skills. She has also learned how to become more time sensitive and work with pool equipment.
-What skills do you hope to improve as you continue to work here?
Vicki hopes to become quicker and more efficient when mopping the floors, in order to keep the RAC nice and clean. Vicki hopes to work on speaking in a more professional manner when she is at a workplace.
-How has the RAC affected you in a positive way?
Vicki is, “always excited to come here and see everyone.” She looks forward to coming to work on time and greeting the staff here at the RAC.
Angelo (Age 20)
-What is your favorite job to do at the RAC?
Angelo’s favorite job is to “clean the floor”, because he likes to “kill germs and keep things super clean”.
-What skills do you hope to improve as you continue to work here?
Angelo would love to learn how to use the weights, so that he can become super strong. He would also like to become fast and efficient when working.
-What are some goals you hope to accomplish here at the RAC?
Angelo wants to “have a good attitude” and learn how to be more responsible while he continues to work hard at the RAC.
James (Age 19)
-What skills have you improved while working here?
James has learned to achieve a better quality of work and that work is done more effectively when teamwork is involved. He also was able to improve his cleaning skills and has learned how to move the exercise bikes.
-How has the RAC affected you in a positive way?
The RAC has given James an introduction to potential careers in the future and it allows him to put his Eagle skills to use.
-What are some goals you hope to accomplish here at the RAC?
James wishes to help out more because he simply enjoys working here at the RAC.
Ashley Distasio (Age 19)
-What have you learned working here?
Ashley said, “Teamwork makes the dreamwork.” She has learned the importance of working as a team. She is also now able to clean weights and blow up the Aquatrac.
-What would you change about working here?
Ashley stated, “Work here more”, because she loves to socialize with the staff and members at the RAC.
-What skills do you hope to improve as you continue to work here?
Ashley hopes to gain new responsibilities and learn how to do new things.
-How has the RAC affected you in a positive way?
The RAC. has given Ashley the opportunity to be her social bubbly self.
Jerek (Age 20)
-What have you learned working here?
Jerek loves to come here, work hard because he feels as if he is giving back to his community.
-What skills have you improved while working here?
Jerek believes his social skills have grown and he has learned to be efficient.
-How has the RAC affected you in a positive way?
Whenever he is at the RAC, Jerek has a big smile that really lights the room. It makes him happy that people come here and put effort into becoming healthier.