Latest News and Updates | Raynham Athletic Club

July 2, 2020

In order to be safe and healthy for both employees and members the Raynham Athletic Club has put the following re-opening plan in place. It contains critical information, policies, and procedures that minimize risk and maximize safety. This will help ensure that all staff and members can exercise and improve their mental health and well-being safely.

Please see attached waiver. To save time please print, sign, and bring it the first time you attend the club. We will have some available at the club also.

Click to download Covid Waiver

What has the RAC done prior to opening to help maintain safety of its staff and members:

    • Extensive cleaning of every room, exercise equipment, and items in rooms, with antibacterial disinfectants.
    • Vacuumed and carpet washed all carpets with antibacterial disinfectants.
    • Maintained pool chemicals at state level guidelines.
    • Cleaned all floors with antibacterial disinfectants.
    • Displayed signs about proper cleaning protocol. 
    • Established new cleaning protocols consistent with CDC Guidelines.
    • Discussed with staff new guidelines, cleaning protocols, new layouts, safety protocols, and member interaction processes. 
    • Set up online Class Enrollment Sign-Ups for ALL Group Ex and Aqua classes. Class sizes will be reduced. Spin Classes will hold 11 members, classes will be held in the Basketball Gym. Classes held in the Group Ex Room will hold 8 members. Outdoor Classes will hold 20 members. AquaAerobics will hold 12 members. Sign-ups begin at 5 pm the night prior.
    • Designated/deactivated equipment that can not be used due to social distancing requirements.  
    • Installed plastic barriers between cardio equipment to effectively block respiration from someone using the cardio equipment. 6 foot distance between machines has been established.
    • Taped areas to outline social distance in Group Ex classes.
    • Provided hand sanitizer in every room.
    • Provided paper towels and antibacterial disinfectant spray in every room for use on exercise equipment before and after use.  
    • Hired a professional cleaning crew to execute a reopening deep clean.

What new procedures will be in place when the RAC reopens:

    • At the entrance of the RAC there will be visibly outlined spaces for members to stand that conform with social distancing guidelines.
    • Staff and members will have their temperature taken prior to entry into the club, once entering the club, members will scan their keycards, members will then move to the hand sanitizer station.
    • Members will bring their own filled water bottles.
    • Staff will wear masks.
    • Exercise equipment and floor cleaning in between Group Ex. exercise classes.
    • Basketball Court can be used for shooting hoops, no contact games allowed.
    • Members must use a paper towel and antibacterial disinfectant spray on exercise equipment before and after use
    • Scheduled cleaning of equipment.
    • Reduced class sizes in order to conform with social distancing guidelines. 
    • If you are attending an Outdoor Class, please go directly to the far end of the parking lot. We will take attendance there in order to reduce congestion indoors. Mats and weights will be outdoors already.
    • 14 feet social distancing guidelines adhered to when using exercise equipment in the weight room.
    • Monitoring by club staff to ensure that new policies are being followed.
    • Sauna and steam rooms will remain closed (Phase 4).
    • Pool will be open for individual lap swim, aqua classes, and family swim only. No Lifeguard on Duty.
    • Childcare will be open with a limit of 8 children. Members must sign up prior. Children over 2 must wear masks, all children must be temperature scanned before heading up to the childcare, and children will be required to stay in marked areas with toys. They will not be allowed to roam the childcare. Siblings will be allowed to remain together in a marked area. Parents will be required to come change diapers.
    • Water fountains won’t be available so members are encouraged to bring water bottles.
    • Car keys will remain with members, not left at the front desk.

Staff Code of Conduct:

    • All staff must go through each station before fully entering the facility. Temperature Check and Hand sanitizing.
    • All staff must wear a mask.
    • Staff will do scheduled cleaning during their shift.
    • No contact of any kind is permitted.
    • All staff must maintain six feet distance at all times.
    • All staff are highly encouraged to follow CDC guidelines outside of the RAC to mitigate risk of transmission.
    • Staff must immediately report potential known contact with the virus.

Member Code of Conduct:

    • All members must go through each station before fully entering the facility:

           Temperature Check, Reception/Key card scan, and Hand sanitizing.

    • All members must wear a mask throughout the facility. Masks may only be taken off while exercising. Once members have completed their workout, they must wear a mask (ex. in the locker room, throughout the hallways, in the bathroom, etc.).
    • All members must clean equipment with a paper towel and disinfectant spray before and after each use.
    • No contact of any kind is permitted.
    • All members must maintain six feet distance at all times when not exercising.
    • All members are highly encouraged to follow CDC guidelines outside of the RAC to mitigate risk of transmission.
    • Members must take home workout clothes and supplies in a bag. No items may remain in the locker.
    • When using the weight room and circuit equipment, members must maintain 14 foot social distance. Please be patient while waiting for the equipment you want.

Membership Information:

    • Paid in Full members contracts have been extended to reflect the number of days we were closed.
    • Members who continued to pay while the RAC was closed will be able to choose from the list of options provided for paying April’s fees and their billing will be put on freeze for a month to compensate them for paying May fees. We did not charge for June. 

May 21, 2020

Angela Naeth is organizing a fun RUN event.

Challenge yourself, against yourself and enter into the Beat Your Time Challenge: Competition!



5K (run between 6 pm GMT on Friday, June 19th and 11:59 pm GMT on Friday June 26th)

10K (run between 6 pm GMT on Friday, June 26th and 11:59 pm GMT on Friday July 3rd)

For more information click RUN FOR IT

Use code RUNforit to get $5 discount.